Nazareth School, established in 1992, is an educational institute providing Kindergarten to Secondary Level Education in Nepal. It is duly registered to Education Department, Ministry of Sports and Education, Nepal Government. The main purpose of this organization is to provide the children with the opportunity of being the children with parental love and care. Nazareth School aims to provide all of the children of under its care with the highest level of education and guidance, so that they can grow to be assets to their communities and their country.
The environment and the company in which the children grow up is undoubtedly a major factor in determining their conduct throughout the rest of their lives. Nazareth provides the ideal setting for education in the formative years. In this happy and healthy atmosphere, a child feels safe and secure, gains confidence and develops self-reliance, self-respect, and self-esteem.
Nazareth School offers outstanding educational opportunities for students
in Preschool (beginning at age 3) to Grade 10. We have a long and rich history
and, together with our students, we look forward to a very bright future.